Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Ideas on music

I still need to check the copyright issues with some of the music I wish to put in my teaser trailer, but here are some idea's of the sound I'm looking for..

I don't know whether this type of music will fit in with the flashing sequences of images/scenes, so I may rethink the style of my trailer. With songs such as these a slower paced trailer may be more suitable.

I was also thinking of music I've heard in films which has really creeped me out, something that might work with my psychological horror such as the song below. This is a different style of music, I will experiment with what I think will fit best with the images I will show.

Inspiration for teaser trailer

This film in particular has really inspired the settings for my trailer, I love the surreal surroundings and dream like atmosphere, the beauty of it really caught my eye.

I like the use of sound and lighting in this trailer, the flashing sequences are very effective, this is the kind of teaser I would like to create.


Monday, 5 September 2011


My Chosen Brief

For my final production I will be working on Brief 2; a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

My main passion in media is film, it's a slight obsession. I would like to drive this passion into creating a realistic and cinematic teaser trailer. I also love films with with beautiful cinematography, I want to use my own knowledge and passion for photography to help me create the poster and magazine cover.

Although I am not yet sure about what my piece will be about specifically, it will undoubtedly have some kind of dark story line.

Diffusion of Innovation

Diffusion - A process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over a period of time among the members of a social system

Innovation - An idea, practice or object that is perceived to be new by an individual or other unit of adoption

In our previous lesson we began to study and understand the workings of the Hype Cycle, this involves 5 different stages;

  • Technology trigger 
  • Peak of inflated expectations
  • Trough of disillusionment 
  • Slope of enlightenment 
  • Plateau of productivity
This is the cycle in which a new product will go through when being released, although products do not always reach the final two stages.

Adopting Technology
  • Innovators - 2.5% (technologists, creators)
  • Early Adopters - 13.5% (visionaries, creators)
  • Early Majority - 34% (pragmatists, critics + collectors)
  • Late Majority - 34% (conservatives, joiners + spectators)
  • Laggards -16% (skeptics, inactive)

First Presentation