Tuesday, 18 October 2011


When initially thinking about where my product would be shown, I thought an Arthouse cinema would be an effective and suitable place. After again visiting our local arthouse cinema, Cinema City, I can deduce that this would definitely be a good place for exhibition. I went to see Trier's latest drama/psychological/thriller film, Melancholia. When watching the film I couldn't help noticing how much more effective the sound was in a small cinema screen, it really filled the room and felt quite overpowering. In my trailer I want to use some really strong classical music, and so I think it would work really well in the smaller screens featured in arthouse cinema's. The description and genre of my film is probably less mainstream than blockbusters shown in multiplex cinema's, and so would appeal to a smaller audience. This would make it suitable for exhibition in a more niche surrounding. 

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