Sunday, 18 December 2011

Font for magazine cover

These are some of the possible fonts for my magazine cover, I was at first attracted to the wonderfully outdated Mistral font that everyone so hates, this is because of the new status attached to it after the advertising of the 2010 film Drive (empires best film of the year). The film gives the font a new stylish appeal. After some consideration I have come to the conclusion that a more basic font would be suitable, something slightly less controversial. I want to go with something bold and clear, to grab the reader or passer by. The font I have chosen conforms to these conventions and has a bold/iconic appeal. Simple is the way to go.

The final font.

I want the font for my poster to be quite elegant and sleek so it will most probably stay in the black font, this will stand out amongst the light blue surroundings of the image on the cover. The smaller text featured will be a mix of black and white as these both compliment the colours used on the image. 

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