Monday 13 February 2012

Is my film postmodern?

Postmodernism is the rejection of modernist views and beliefs, postmodernism focuses highly on play, chance and anarchy (Ihab Hassan).  It claims that there is no absolute truth and that the way people perceive the world is subjective. Postmodernism has influenced many cultural fields, including religion, literary criticism, sociology, linguistics, architecture, history, anthropology, visual arts, and music.

The traditional narrative structure as described by Tvzetan Todorov suggests narrative is simply equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium. This structure has been manipulated and distorted within postmodern films, this can be seen in texts such as Pulp Fiction or Donnie Darko. A non-linear narrative changes the traditional audience text relationship and turns it into something new and exciting. If my film were to be created in full it would conform to this postmodern feature, as one of the themes in my film is mental instability or psychosis having a scattered or non chronological narrative would put the viewer in the position of the mentally unstable character, creating confusion and distortion. This would apply the Obstinate Audience Theory to my production as often with narratives like this it is mainly up to interpretation and influence that a message or understanding is put across.

Baudrillard's theory of Hyperreality can be placed within the confines of my 'film'. If creating this whole production I wouldn't want to create an overly realistic feel, I would want the audience to feel as if anything could happen in this strange, distorted story. As the story is told from the point of view of my mentally unstable 'heroine' the story and imagery could reflect what goes on in her mind, which would work well using hyperreality. Perhaps using imagery and effects like in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Antichrist. These kind of films also relate to Jameson's theories on postmodernism. "In a postmodern age we are living in a hallucination, a reality evaporating into a mere spectacle", both of these films feature hallucinatory or distorted imagery to reflect the mental states or realities of the characters.

1 comment:

  1. worried - the blog list says that your last post is focus group but i cannot see it - this one on the 13th feb is the last i can see???

    You need a whole series of posts on
    >organising focus groups
    >lessons learned and final revisions planned / improvements made
    >reflection on content / style and evidence of how you intend your artefacts to be linked

    >Why asynchronous sound?
    > why that piece of music?
    >link these to audience pleasures.industry and genre conventions met/broken

    The trailer is quite good with lots of strengths - it still needs improving to gain highest grades;
    The voice at the start is overloud
    The text is too small to be easily read and it does not link enough to the style of the poster
    REMEMBER - the video earns the bulk of the marks but at the moment is weaker than the two print items - it earns potentially 40 and they earn potentially 10 each - you need more refinement of the trailer
    especially typography and text content / pace
    links to the other products
